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《Song of flowers》

I am a kind word uttered and repeated. By the voice of Nature, I am a star fallen from the blue tent upon the green carpet. I am the daughter of the elements with whom Winter conceived, to whom Spring gave birth, I was reared in the lap of Summer and I slept in the bed of Autumn.

At dawn I unite with the breeze to announce the coming of light, at eventide I join the birds in bidding the light farewell. The plains are decorated with my beautiful color and the air is scented with my fragrance.

As I embrace Slumber the eyes of night watch over me, and as I awaken I stare at the sun, which is the only eye of the day. But I look up high to see only the light, and never look down to see my shadow. This is wisdom which man must learn.

我是大自然親切的話語,說出去,又反覆細念,我是一顆星星,從藍色蒼穹墜落綠毯之中。我是諸元素之女,冬天將我孕育、春天使我綻放、夏天讓我成長、秋天令我安睡。清早,我同晨風一道宣告光明的到來, 傍晚,我又與群鳥一起為它的遠去告別。